Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Man After God's Own Heart: Part II

A bit shorter this time.

A few more aspects gleaned from chapters 18 and 19 of I Samuel. It says many times in these chapters that David "behaved himself wisely." Wisdom is crucial to a man after God's own heart, for God Himself is wise. He IS Wisdom. Wisdom would be the practical application of all that trust in God that you have. In fact, trust in God is essential for wisdom. In James, it says that we must ask for wisdom, but we must ask in faith. We have to trust that God will give it to us like He said.
"Behaved himself wisely." Why would it say this? Well, could one think of wisdom as knowing how to behave in any given situation? The Bible has all of these answers and is the only source of wisdom. So this is what we see: A man after God's own heart trusts God and is wise. Because he trusts God completely and views Him as his only source of any good thing, then he will recognize God as the only source of wisdom and diligently seek for it in His word like Proverbs says he should do. Also, he will ask for wisdom and believe that God will give it to him (again, complete trust). As a result, he will gain wisdom and will know how to handle himself in any given situation. He will be able to behave himself wisely.
What a great system.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is one of those win win situations. I mean, God gives you wisdom because God is wisdom. More wisdom means the more you will realize that God is wise and you will pray for more wisdom. How can you lose? Good stuff bud.