Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Things We Want, and Know We Cannot Have

It is easy to sit in judgment of you, knight; you whose love nearly brought down a kingdom. You loved each other, but it could not be. She was not yours. She was your king's. It is easy to sit and say that you should deny yourself, deny her, and carry on. But who has borne your burden? Who has faced that foe and lived? Love is strong as death, but does not death conquer all men? So does love conquer all men? Does it defeat your honor, your duty, your wisdom? It seemed it had defeated yours. But you did struggle, knight. You did battle. You fought to the last when you could fight no more. But is it a wonder you were defeated when you fought an enemy with the strength of death itself?


Amy said...

Set me like a seal on your heart, for love is unyielding as the grave. A flash of it is a jealous fire, no flood can quench, for love is as strong as death... But: do not arouse or awaken love, until it so desires.

Dodger of Sheep said...

So what you are saying is: those who ignore the second part are doomed to the first?

Amy said...

no... those who obey the second part ENJOY the first.

monolog said...

(a little off subject)...
did you ever think about this? Christ is Love. Christ conquered Death. Love conquered Death. may be kind of a stretch, but it's interesting to think about.