Saturday, March 08, 2008

A River With No Bridge

Those who reach for the stars most often receive naught but burned fingers for their trouble. And these are the lucky ones. Let us never forget the fact that stars are very, very far away, so it is a rare few indeed whose reach extends to the point of singed appendages. In light of this, is it even worth it to try? What would you want with a star anyways? What would you do if you reached one? Would you engage the star in polite conversation, or invite it to dinner or something? No. You would be too busy melting into your constituent elements. For let us never forget the fact that stars are very, very hot.
You really do not have much to offer a star. I doubt one would find you very entertaining. This is, of course, assuming that the star even notices that you are there. It is a fact that we should never forget that stars are very, very big. You are very small (regardless of how big you might consider yourself compared to other humans, you could take comfort in the thought that on the stellar scale, none of us nudge the needle past zero).
But whatever would you talk with the star about? "So, what color is your corona? don't have a corona. Well, does your magnetic field ever feel like it's just not performing like it should? You don't have one of those either? ....So I guess there's no point asking how much gravitational force you exert, is there?" Not a very interesting conversation on the star's part. Your situations in life are too different.
Stars need other stars to give them what they need. You know, to hang out with and orbit and form constellations and explode in fantastic displays of fiery nuclear death. Star stuff. You can't give any of that to a star. Why reach? Burn your fingers on something nearer home.


Dodger of Sheep said...

Wow, I love this one. I've always been a fan of stars, and the way you've worked them into your metaphor is beautiful. It is frustrating how there are some things in life that we just can't change, isn't it? I've always thought that if I was a star, I would be Arcturus, just because the name is so cool.

Your Number One Fan

Dodger of Sheep said...

Stars? Are you kidding me? Stars are just giant balls of burning gases billions and billions of miles away. This is the worst piece of junk I've read since your, and I use the term loosely, "poem". Why don't you just come out and say what you want without hiding behind a bunch of pretty words? Suck it up and quit whining.

Your Number One Hater

Lynn Bruce said...

wow, i love this one. your use of metaphor is beautiful. i mean it.

now why don't you just come out and say what you want?

your number one ambivalent friend

Amy said...

i think you should talk to the star anyway. Maybe it doesn't like the other stars and it isn't interested in huge fiery explosions... or flying through various planets' atomospheres. Maybe it just wants good, wholesome, uplifting conversation. Maybe you can offer it what it wants. Yeah, you may burn your fingers... but if it isn't worth getting hurt over, don't bother.