Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oh Really?

A word once spoken to the wind,
It is gone.
Do not strive to take it back.
Do not reach for it.
It has gone; it is fluid now,
And it will run through your hands like water.
The echoes, the ripples it leaves behind will sing through your mind,
But the word is gone.
Can you take a drop from the sea?
Can you sift a breath from the wind?
Can you bring back a word once spoken?


Dodger of Sheep said...

Hey, Dodger, I just thought I would comment on how deep and insightful this post is. You really have a way of capturing the more fluid elements of life that makes them stand out in stark contrast from the rampant ambiguity that surrounds us. Keep it up.

Your Number One Fan

Dodger of Sheep said...

What is this? Poetry? Are you trying to write poetry? This sucks. It doesn't even rhyme. Forget this crap and stick to (semi) funny stories about trolls.

Your Number One Hater

Amy said...

hey dodger... it think it's beautiful. So tell your little shoulder devil to shut up.