Wednesday, January 18, 2006

For New Poetry "Performance" See Post Below

O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman

A truly great poem. I don't think I did it justice, but I love it, so I wanted to give it a shot.

Now, I have a humble request of those who post poetry almost exclusively ( you know who you are) as well as of those for whom it's a less common occurance: Henceforth, whenever you post a poem, kindly post a reading of it as well, preferably by you. Reading a poem aloud is essential if you want it's full impact, and everyone else will get a lot more from it. Thanks in advance! (Because you know it's a great idea...because I had it.)


Nomos said...

So, how would one go about posting an audio clip?

Dodger of Sheep said...

It's quite simple really. Just sign up for an AudioBlogger account at Then all you need is a phone.

Unknown said...

Alright..i will do you like I did Reya. I evoke my right to DEMAND A NEW POST! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!

Unknown said...

New post! NOW!

Cal-el of Krypton said...

new post!! I demand it!!!

Life is better in the South said...

you need to POST!!!

Lynn Bruce said...

Graham? Graham? Hello? Surely you aren't repressing yourself on purpose? I grow fearful that all your demented friends over there have bound and gagged you. Should I come get you?

fa-so-la-la said...

It's just an example of the violence inherent in the system!