Monday, September 26, 2005

Cambodian Politics

Well, I've finally surrendered to the wave of Blog-Mania that has been sweeping the nation. I figured since most of my other friends have one, and since they're pretty cool people, I might as well start one up myself. Because I'm cool too. In fact I might be the coolest, most humble guy I know, so I guess I need a blahg...I mean blog.
If you've decided to waste your time at this place, I should tell you what to expect. Don't expect regular updates. And don't expect the posts I do make to be very relevant or coherent. Also expect heavy use of Italics. They are added for emphasis, so make sure this is reflected in that little voice you use to read to yourself in your head. You know what I'm talking about. Furthermore, when I use double (or triple, or quadruple...) superlatives, it's because I want to, not because I am ignorant of the rules of English Grammar. Double superlatives are the mostest funnest things ever, kids!
That should be just about all you need to know to get started. Were you expecting me to give you a long spill about the kind of person I am, and what my fondest hopes and dreams are, and where I live, and what time I go out at night all by myself in deserted parking lots in districts where even the police are afraid to go? Well tough. You ain't gettin' one...stalker.


toesthattwinkle said...

Oh my! You have a blog! I'm happy for you! ok, I'm gonna have to read it now.
(oh if you don't know this is Chelsea) I'm the first to comment!! I feel so special

Life is better in the South said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!You have finally succumbed to the blogger world! Please, don't be like Caleb and only post once! Words of wisdom: Send out your blog address to everyone in your address book by word of e-mail. YAY!!!!

fa-so-la-la said...

I am very fond of italics myself. And double superlatives. Some things in life are just too fine for one. Now, if you use lots of dashes, like this-- I will be very happy.

Congratulations and happy posting!

Oh man, that was corny. I've been in Alabama too much this summer!

Androphenese said...

well i shall consider myself a unique individual, because I am the ONLY person who was the fourth person to post!

Life is better in the South said...

Oh yeah?!? I'm the fifth to post! Beat that!

Lynn Bruce said...

Isn't he just So Cool?

I'm the sixth!

Life is better in the South said...

Well I'm the seventh!

Life is better in the South said...

Fa-So-La-La, do you mean Alabamians are corny? Whatevah.

rachel tsunami said...

Double superlatives? Great. I like to split my infinitives. To each his own.