Friday, October 03, 2008

Right Now

I tried to watch some of the vice-presidential debates tonight. I kid you not, I had it on for maybe three minutes before I became too disgusted to watch any more. Just two more politicians babbling on about how great they are or how much they hate the current administration. No hard plans, to solutions to problems, just vague and empty promises. Where have all the statesmen gone? What happened to people who really want to serve their country and not themselves? Do you know what the average salary for a congressman is these days? Somewhere in the neighborhood of $169,000 a year. The Speaker for the House makes $217,000 a year. I know elections campaigns are expensive, but those are still some pretty big incentives. And, congress has the power to vote to increase their own salary. Wouldn't you try pretty hard to get a job that came with power, a great salary, and the potential to make as much money as you and your buddies want? Who cares if you make a difference or not? Just keep your head down and you're set for the next few years.
I've heard a lot of people say that it is impossible to be a part of this machine and not be corrupted by it. But where are the men like Daniel? He moved in the very highest circles of Babylonian power, stood in the presence of the king himself and held great influence in that land, but never once did he compromise his principles. He never wavered in his faith and devotion to what he knew to be right. Where are the men like that today? Are we all just afraid to stand up for anything? Afraid of our own strength? Afraid of persecution? Fear, fear, fear. I've had enough of it. It has paralyzed good men for far too long, and while we have sat idle, others have been busy and look at the mess we find ourselves in. But what difference could one man make? That's just the kind of attitude we need to get rid of! Look at Daniel again: one man, but in the right place at the right time changed the course of an empire! We don't know what influence we might have. But I will tell you this: if all we do is sit chained by fear, we will never know.

By the way, our government spends $271 billion a year on welfare.


Owl of the Desert said...

Ron Paul?

I agree with you that we need more men like that, but we as citizens also have a duty to remove those in office who we feel aren't doing their job, and vote for someone who will. We have vasts amount of information at our fingertips and we do nothing with it.

Dani said...

I will say it warmed up slow, but I feel like Sarah Palin has the potential to be the sort of person you are talking about. She didn't play softball either last night after she got going.

Amy said...

So, if I'm so tired of the lack of courage, why am I not doing anything? I think it's because even when we decide that it's time to stand up for the truth... we still pause, waiting. Waiting for a revelation. We want the fire to come down and burn up our offerings, the wood, and the stone altar. But the hard part is this: sometimes (heck, most of the time!) He doesn't send fire. He is glorified through our actions... but no one else knows. Oh yes, He knows. But in a world where we want people to notice us, we aren't always satisfied with "just" His attention.

Abby said...

Bravo! A difference between the strength of our forefathers and the corruptness of our politicians now is that the latter needs the changed heart that only Jesus can bring. How can we as Christians expect anything more than a self-centered life from a non-believer? Until Jesus changes us we are all like them, and even now I must die to myself daily that His purposes may be revealed. What saddens me is that there are faithful Christians in government who seem silent. My prayer is that we might become bold before men and humble before Christ and always be assured that the king's heart rests in the Lord's hands.