Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Green Tunnel

I live in Alabama. For all you crazy stalkers out there who read my blog, I just made finding me that much easier. But it still won't be very easy for reasons that will shortly be discussed. The name Alabama, we are told in our third grade Alabama History class, comes from some old Indian (or Native American, or whatever you want to call it) words. These are not always the same words, though, and they mean different things, things like "land of many rivers" or "thicket clearers" or, my personal favorite, "a thick mass of vegetation." This last definition is the one I will be going with, because I think it most accurately describes our state.
This morning, my sister's car was overheating. Yes, this is relevant, trust me. So she took my car to work, and I did what I could to fix her car. I then took it out for a road test. I think that's what they call it at garage's when they charge you for it. For interested parties, the car now works fine. Yay for checking fluids!
Allow me to digress a moment. We'll get back to the road test and thick masses of vegetation in a moment. When it comes to the relationship between car and driver, girls behave more like guys do in a relationship between man and woman. Namely, they do not like to communicate. Or rather, they do not communicate as often as they should. You have to get to know your car, and check up on it to see how it's doing. Just little things like checking the oil and coolant levels, or the tire pressure. These little acts of kindness can save you a lot of trouble down the road. But the attitude that most girls have towards their vehicle was expressed succinctly by a female friend of mine: "As long as it works, I don't care how or why." Imagine if this sort of attitude was carried over into human relationships? Without taking care of the little things to ensure that relationships continue to run smoothly, you're potentially setting yourself up for a major blowout down the road. Ok, I'm done. Back to the story.
So I was out on the road test. I took the car back to this great, winding back road that I know of that's very near our house. If I ever had a motorcycle, I would ride it back there all the time. Heck, I might buy a motorcycle just so I can ride it back there. But there was so much GREEN. Life grows fiercely in Alabama. Every inch of ground that's not yard or pavement has something growing and thriving in it. If you have ever done much tramping in the woods round about, then you know how often you come to a place where you simply cannot go any further forward because of how thick the plants are growing. I mean seriously, you leave a field unattended for a few weeks and you will come back to find a jungle! As I was driving along those back roads, I really did feel like I was driving through a green tunnel, what with the trees all growing so tall and wide and hanging over on each side of the road. I have often thought of Alabama as one big, thick mass of vegetation, with a few hollowed out spaces for people to live. This is fortunate, because when The Collapse comes, we can all run out into the woods and no one will be able to find us. Including you, creepy stalker.


Amy said...

I'm glad Alabama is the place to live for the collapse. And may I point out something you said? Thank you, I will. Our attitude towards cars does stink... the quote was an accurate representation. And, as you said, it would be horrible if it carried over into our personal relationships. But it doesn't. The boys are the ones who do that. So, why the hype? Thinking about our cars that way is irrelevant. The Y chromosome carriers are the ones with the human relationship problem.

Owl of the Desert said...

"A Southern boy can survive..."

Yes, we will have no trouble when the collapse comes. We can hide. We can shoot. Self-sufficient, yes we are.

And, Alabama is truly beautiful. Nobody can argue with that.

Dodger of Sheep said...

It would be horrible if anyone carried the attitude that girls have towards their cars into a relationship, whether they hold a Y chromosome or not. Calm down. I DID say that guys were the ones who had problems communicating.

Dani said...

Hurrah for running out into the woods where no one can find us, and of course we will have our shotguns and bibles with us.

Alabama is still the most beautiful place I've seen in the US of A.

Lynn Bruce said...

why dodger, look at you blogging!

something for me to consider, perhaps.