Friday, June 13, 2008

Sunlight and Thunder

What kind of God do we serve?
One who knows we will never be able to fully understand Him, but gave us a whole book about Himself because He wants us to try.
He is a God who loved us for no other reason than that He wanted to.
He is a perfect God, who loves with a perfect and boundless love. A love that is at once the simplest joy, and darkest mystery. Simple because it is pure. It is only love. He loves us because it pleases Him. He needs no other reason. We need no other reason. There could be no other reason. A mystery because we will never know why. We will never know why it pleases God to love the vilest thing in the universe.
But He does love us. He loves us and He wants us with Him. Not for an hour, or for a day, but for eternity. He loves us so much that He wasn't going to leave that in our hands. He knows us; knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. He knows what kind of a mess we would have made of things if He had left it up to us. No, He loved us so much that He came Himself. It was as though He said with His voice like many waters, "I will do this, and then it will be sure. I will do this, for there is none else. I will pay the price, because I love them."
So He came. And He died. The blood of God was shed for love. Perfect blood for perfect love. For you. For me.
He is a God who loved us enough that He even blesses us beyond eternity. As if the promise of being with Him forever was not enough, He sees fit to give us all things while we live here on this earth.
He is a God who does not bless us with just enough. He is too big for that. He will give and He will give, because there is no end of Him. He is always enough and infinitely more. How great is His love! How much He gives to us! And gives and gives. Why? Because He loves us. He seems determined to outlove everyone, to show that "I am God, and there is none like me." To show that no one can love like Him.
He is a God who sends cool breezes on a hot summer's day. Who paints a sunset every night for you, and a sunrise every morning. He made the sound of wind in the trees, and gave you the ears to hear it. He makes a girl's eyes sparkle like that when she laughs. He made the feel of cool grass on bare feet. He gave you friends to show you a pale echo of His love.
He is a God who loves us so much, that He is coming back to get us.
Coming Himself. Coming for all His children, who He loved so much He wrote their names in the very palms of His hands. And then those hands were pierced, and His blood covered those names. And then we were free.
What does He ask for all of this? It is simple. As simple and as daunting as the mountains and the sea.
He wants us to love Him back.


Abby said...

And why man can't understand all this--it's hard to say. His mercy is far greater than comprehension. His unchanging ways keep everything in balance. Yes, He sends us the cool breeze on the summer day, but in His sovereignty He brings the heat so we can depend more upon Him. Who is this God we serve? He is I AM, the Creator of the universe, my Heavenly Father.

Amy said...

"You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride; You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes."
Song of Solomon 4:9

And I refuse to believe it- No God, I have earned Your love. You cannot just love me. That would make You be in complete control... I want to have some say so in why You love me the way You do. It's because I'm such a good Christian, isn't, God? I do work hard at it. I knew there was a logical reason for it. Phew. For a moment there, I thought I wasn't in charge anymore. I'm glad we've got it all straightened out, huh God?

How pathetic.

Dani said...

Amen to this post... and to Amy.

I find it so sad when people rob God of his awesomeness and Glory, and make him less and his love some flimsy thing based not on eternal unchangable unmerited agape love but on something that changes is as fincky as teenagers who fall in and out of love for no reason.