Now, I know that setting yourself on fire might seem like a good, fun idea. I know you'll be in a situation where everyone's doing it and you might be tempted to succumb to the peer pressure. You'll be afraid that all the other kids will laugh at you if you don't go along. Let me take this opportunity to encourage you to not give in. Setting yourself on fire is not fun, and it is most definantly not safe.
But what if you find yourself in a situation where you have accidentally set yourself on fire? There are some basic safety rules that you should follow.
First, here is a list of what you should not do:
1. Do not panic.
2. Do not run around waving your arms and screaming like a maniac, "AHHHHH!!! I'M ON FIRE!! I'M ON FIRE!!!"
3. Do not jump into a pool of gasoline.
4. Do not give anyone standing nearby a hug.
So here is what you should do.
1. First, calmly assess the situation and plan your course of action. Your thought process might go something like this: "Now, it appears that I am on fire. This could be a potentially hazardous situation to me and those around me, so I should take steps to deal with it promptly and safely."
2. If there is a body of water nearby, it would be wise to make your way calmly but quickly towards it. Once there,immerse yourself, thereby extinguishing the flames. (Caution: This step carries some risk of drowning. Exercise care.)
3. If there is no body of water present, calmly drop to the ground, but not too quickly or you might cause bruising, and then proceed to roll about (again not too quickly or vigorously; you're already on fire, you don't want to be sore on top of that) until the flames are put out.
4. If there is no ground nearby, if say, you are falling out of an airplane and are on fire, quickly and calmly remove the articles of clothing that are aflame and discard them. (Caution: This step carries some risk of embarrassment.)
Well kids, this concludes today's lesson. I hope that you have learned something valuable about fire safety. Remember, in any emergency situation the best advice is to not panic, whether it be a nuclear disaster, or the spontaneous combustion of a limb, just try to remain calm.
Stay safe!