Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Rock Beneath the Sea

Is love deeper than a feeling? It is, I think. For, at its essence, love is not really a feeling at all, but a choice. Certain other feelings arise out of love: affection, devotion, desire, but these are not love; these are emotions, and they are as changing and inconstant as a sea: raging in a violent storm on one day, barely the whisper of a breeze the next.
But love, true love is not a sea or a storm. Love is the rock, the earth above which these transient weathers fly. Steady, immovable, it endures the ebb and flow of the passions. Love is the choice, the declaration saying, "I will honor and care for you in spite of all my changing feelings, not because of them."


Owl of the Desert said...

Wow, Graham. That's pretty cool. Everyone needs to read this and keep it as a reminder.

BirdTrainer said...

I already told you this but I think that is really beautiful and so true.

elliebird said...

i really needed to hear that. thank you, graham

Dani said...

Love is not a feeling, often times those feelings come. But love is much much more, and kudos for recognizing that.

Table of Stone said...

did you write this? Or did it come from somewhere else? It's really very beautiful and so true. People today often mistake love for feelings or feelings for love.

Dodger of Sheep said...

Guilty: I wrote it.

beatrice said...

is love a fancy or a feeling? or ferrars?

Brittany said...

This is awesome! Thank you posting it. It really helped give me perspective.

Do you have anymore wisdom to bestow upon us?